Good Boy: Franchise Marketing For Pet Businesses
Pet owners want to give their fur-babies the very best. With these marketing strategies, you can convince them that your business is the very best. It’s no surprise that people love their pets — what’s not to love? When you try to put a dollar value on it, however, you can see that some generations […]
The Marketing Benefits Of Region-Specific Menu Items
Consistency is key to franchise businesses — except when it isn’t. How to break the mold with a region-specific menu item, in this blog. In Pulp Fiction — one of the most-famous movies in cinema history — one of the most-famous scenes features John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson discussing the ways McDonald’s is different […]
6 Things Franchises Need To Stay Successful On Delivery Apps
It seems like everybody’s using delivery apps these days — but that presents a new slate of challenges for franchise businesses looking to stay ahead. This blog unpacks 6 of those challenges. There were a lot of heroes in the pandemic. Health care workers, of course, were a huge one, working long hours at a […]
A Guided Tour of Balihoo’s Advanced Features
What makes Balihoo the leader in multi-location marketing? Because we’re franchise marketing done differently. In this blog post, we show you a little bit of what we can do. Succeeding as a franchise business isn’t for the faint of heart. For franchisors, it often means creating a successful businesses from the ground up, and then […]
The Franchise Guide To Data Privacy
Though franchise businesses are often local, brick-and-mortar locations, franchise businesses are often subject to internet-focused laws about data privacy. In this blog post, we explain some of the basics. Franchise businesses often bridge the gap between two different worlds: between big corporations and independent businesses; between national chains and local operations; between brick-and-mortar operations and […]